General Information

What Application and Device will you need?

We will use “Zoom” as our online meeting platform.

You will need to download the “Zoom App” to your mobile phone, tablet or computer.

You will also need an earphone with a mic.

Please download the “Zoom App” for the device you will use and create your account:

– Desktop/Laptop (PC)

– Mobile Apple

– Mobile Android

After Downloading the App and Creating your account, test your system and sound before our meeting. Zoom has a test meeting for you to check if everything is working.

Test Your System Here

If you have any questions, please contact us.

How do you access the meeting?

To access the meetings, you can either use the Meeting ID and the Passcode you will receive via E-mail, or use the direct link.

Meeting ID: 828 6100 9994

Passcode: 018916

Meeting Link:

Add to your Calendar.

Every Thursdays
From 6:30pm to 8:00pm
The time tolerance for our meetings is 15 minutes.

Read the texts, write down your questions and share your views.

The study group will be facilitated by two of our volunteers at SSOM.

Your participation, views and questions will be very welcome and we are certain that this journey will create an environment of growth and friendship.

Our main goal is to create a community of like-minded people willing to develop a great understanding of the Spiritist Philosophy.
We look forward to seeing you online soon!

By Allan Kardec

The Gospel According to Spiritism

The Gospel according to Spiritism is the third of the five books that comprise the Spiritist Philosophy.

Explained under the light of Spiritism, it contains the essence of the moral teachings of Jesus, thus providing a foundation for a deeper understanding of progress, and moral development. 

Course Calendar

Every Thursday | 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

March 2021



4/3 Anna Blackwell’s Preface

Preface to the revised edition

Introduction – Items I to III

18/3 Introduction – Items IV to VI
25/3 Introduction – Items VII to IX

April 2021


1/4 Introduction – Items X to XIII
8/4 Introduction – Items XIV to XVII
15/4 Prolegomena

PART ONE – First Causes


Chapter I – God


Chapter II – The General Elements of the Universe

May 2021

PART ONE – First Causes


Chapter III – Creation (Questions: 37 to 49)


Chapter III – Creation (Questions: 50 to 59)


Chapter IV – The Vital Principle

PART TWO – The Spirit World, or the World of Spirits

27/5 Chapter I – Spirits (Questions: 76 to 99)

June 2021

PART TWO – The Spirit World, or the World of Spirits

3/6 Chapter I – Spirits (Questions: 100 to 111)
10/6 Chapter I – Spirits (Questions: 112 to 131)
17/6 Chapter II – The Incarnation of Spirits (Questions: 132 to 148)
24/6 Chapter III – The Return from the Corporeal to the Spirit Life

July 2021

PART TWO – The Spirit World, or the World of Spirits

1/7 Chapter IV – The Plurality of Existences (Questions: 166 to 188)
8/7 Chapter IV – The Plurality of Existences (Questions: 189 to 206)
15/7 Chapter IV – The Plurality of Existences (Questions: 207 to 221)
22/7 Chapter V – Considerations Concerning the Plurality of Existences


Chapter VI – Spirit Life (Questions: 223 to 256)

August 2021

PART TWO – The Spirit World, or the World of Spirits


Chapter VI – Spirit Life (Question: 257)


Chapter VI – Spirit Life (Questions: 258 to 273)


Chapter VI – Spirit Life (Questions: 274 to 303)


Chapter VI – Spirit Life (Questions: 304 to 329)

September 2021

PART TWO – The Spirit World, or the World of Spirits


Chapter VII – The Return to Corporeal Life (Questions: 330 to 360)


Chapter VII – The Return to Corporeal Life (Questions: 361 to 378)


Chapter VII – The Return to Corporeal Life (Questions: 379 to 399)


Chapter VIII – The Emancipation of the Soul (Questions: 400 to 412)


Chapter VIII – The Emancipation of the Soul (Questions: 413 to 438)

October 2021

PART TWO – The Spirit World, or the World of Spirits


Chapter VIII – The Emancipation of the Soul (Questions: 439 to 455)


Chapter IX – The Intervention of Spirits in the Corporeal World (Questions: 456 to 488)


Chapter IX – The Intervention of Spirits in the Corporeal World (Questions: 489 to 521)


Chapter IX – The Intervention of Spirits in the Corporeal World (Questions: 522 to 540)

November 2021

PART TWO – The Spirit World, or the World of Spirits


Chapter IX – The Intervention of Spirits in the Corporeal World (Questions: 541 to 557)


Chapter X – Occupations and Missions of Spirits


Chapter XI – The Three Kingdoms (Questions: 585 to 610)


Chapter XI – The Three Kingdoms (Questions: 611 to 613)

December 2021

PART THREE – Moral Laws


Chapter I – Divine or Natural Law


Chapter II – The Law of Worship (Questions: 649 to 666)


Chapter II – The Law of Worship (Questions: 667 to 673)


Christmas Break


Christmas Break

January 2022

PART THREE – Moral Laws


Christmas Break


Chapter III – The Law of Labor

Chapter IV – The Law of Reproduction


Chapter V – The Law of Preservation


Chapter VI – The Law of Destruction (Questions: 728 to 745)

February 2022

PART THREE – Moral Laws

3/2 Chapter VI – The Law of Destruction (Questions: 746 to 765)

Chapter VII – The Law of Society

Chapter VIII – The Law of Progress (Questions: 776 to 785)

17/2 Chapter VIII – The Law of Progress (Questions: 786 to 802)
24/2 Chapter IX – The Law of Equality

March 2022

PART THREE – Moral Laws

3/3 Chapter X – The Law of Freedom (Questions: 825 to 850)
10/3 Chapter X – The Law of Freedom (Questions: 851 to 867)
17/3 Chapter X – The Law of Freedom (Questions: 868 to 872)
24/3 Chapter XI – The Law of Justice, Love and Charity
31/3 Chapter XII – Moral Perfection (Questions: 893 to 912)

April 2022

PART THREE – Moral Laws

7/4 Chapter XII – Moral Perfection (Questions: 913 to 919)

PART FOUR – Hopes and Consolations


Chapter I – Earthly Joys and Sorrows (Questions: 920 to 933)


Chapter I – Earthly Joys and Sorrows (Questions: 934 to 942)

28/4 Chapter I – Earthly Joys and Sorrows (Questions: 943 to 957)

May 2022

PART FOUR – Hopes and Consolations

5/5 Chapter II – Future Joys and Sorrows (Questions: 958 to 964)
12/5 Chapter II – Future Joys and Sorrows (Questions: 965 to 982)
19/5 Chapter II – Future Joys and Sorrows (Questions: 983 to 1002)
26/5 Chapter II – Future Joys and Sorrows (Questions: 1003 to 1009)

June 2022

PART FOUR – Hopes and Consolations

2/6 Chapter II – Future Joys and Sorrows (Questions: 1010 to 1019)
9/6 Conclusion – Items I to III
16/6 Conclusion – Items IV to VI
23/6 Conclusion – Items VII to IX

Course Structure


In order to make this course welcome to everyone, we have created some basic rules to keep us on discipline and committed with the course.
Meetings start at 6:30 pm.
The time tolerance for our meetings is 15 minutes.
Absences are acceptable as long as notice has been given.
Abandonment will be considered if a group member does not show in the meetings by 3 times in a row without any notice.

A group member can take up to 4 weeks on leave as long as notice has been given.

Note: If you need to be absent from the course for a long period of time, talk to the facilitators of the course.

Meeting & Discussion

Every week we will discuss a given topic of the book according to the above calendar.

In order to make the most out of our time, we will not read the texts during the meetings.

The meetings will be open for discussion about the points of interest of each chapter.

We recommend you to read the chapters and take notes of your questions and views to share during the meetings.

Sharing your perspective will not only be welcome but also recommended since we will all learn together.


The meetings will be facilitated by Helen Coelho and Rodrigo Rabaco.

The facilitators will control the time and ensure the important ideas of each chapter are covered in the discussions.

The facilitators are in the group to learn, share and raise questions as well.

They will help to keep the discussions coherent to the fundamental ideas of the Spiritist philosophy.

What’s App Group

If you haven’t joined the group yet, please do.

In the What’s App group we should have:

– General announcements about the course

– Absence excuses

– Questions related to the studies of the book

– Sharing of complementary content related to the studies of the book

– Sharing of thoughts, interpretations, feelings in regards to the contents of The Spirits’ Book

– Anything else that would add value to the group members in regards to the studies of The Spirits’ Book


Note: This is a closed group, please do not share this link.