Through our courses on the fundamental books of Spiritism, we seek to disseminate and improve the understanding of the Spiritist Philosophy.
Commitment to undertaking the study groups also become pathways to start and strengthening friendships, while it is also an opportunity to understand and support the work and goals of the Spiritist Society of Melbourne (SSOM).
The study of the Spiritist philosophy enables us to better understand who we are, where we came from, where we are going to, and the purpose of our existence.
By Allan Kardec
The Spirits’ Book
Firstly published in 1857, The Spirit’s Book is the first book of Spiritism and considered the backbone of Spiritism.
Organized in questions and answers, it contains:
- The Principles of Spiritist Philosophy on the Immortality of the Soul
- The Nature of Spirits and their Relations with the corporeal world
- The Moral Laws
- The Present Life, the Future life and The Destiny of the Human Races
Its Introduction explains the new ideas and how Kardec organised the 1019 questions and answers contained in the book.
By Allan Kardec
The Medium’s Book
The Mediums’ Book is the second of the five books comprising the Spiritist Philosophy.
The book presents the teachings of the Spirits on all types of spirit manifestations, the ways of communicating with the invisible world, the different types of mediums, the development of mediumship, and the difficulties and obstacles that may be found in the practice of Spiritism.
Besides being a source of indispensable reading and research for Spiritists, The Mediums’ Book is also an essential source of knowledge for any person interested in the mediumistic phenomenon.
Prerequisite: “The Spirits’ Book” Course
By Allan Kardec
The Gospel According to Spiritism
The Gospel according to Spiritism is the third of the five books that comprise the Spiritist Philosophy.
Explained under the light of Spiritism, it contains the essence of the moral teachings of Jesus, thus providing a foundation for a deeper understanding of progress, and moral development.
Prerequisite: “The Spirits’ Book” Course
By Allan Kardec
Heaven and Hell
The fourth book is divided into two parts:
The first part of the book explains the different perspective Spiritism has on the subject, stating that the concept of “Heaven” and “Hell”, as it is usually understood, is a misconception.
It is also a comparative examination of the various philosophies concerning the passage from the earthly life to spirit-life, rewards and punishments, angels and devils.
The second part of the book presents a collection of communications from spirits after death, providing an insightful perspective on life after death.
Prerequisite: “The Spirits’ Book” Course
By Allan Kardec
The fifth book of the Philosophy is a study of three areas that have until today been diversely interpreted and commented upon: Genesis, Miracles and Predictions.
By demonstrating the existence of the spirit world and its relations with the material world, Spiritism provides the key to a multitude of misunderstood phenomena, which, for that very reason, have been regarded as unbelievable by many people.
It reconciles science and religion and develops a series of important scientific and philosophical topics, relating them to Spiritism.
Prerequisite: “The Spirits’ Book” Course